The Gigabyte RX 480 8GB G1 Gaming edition meets the Red Devil & the GTX 1060

This $269 Gigabyte RX 480 8GB G1 Gaming evaluation is the fourth RX 480 that we have tested including one AMD and one Diamond Reference version as well as a recently price-lowered $259 Red Devil RX 480 OC. The two …

VR Everywhere

The Virtual Buzz at IBC Starts to Look Real The HMD (head mounted display) marks are finally disappearing from my kids after watching nearly 90 hours of “awesome 4K VR” streaming content from the Rio Olympics. Steven Antturi, head of …

Now Marketing

The Most Effective Marketing Comes from the Customer The toughest job in a company today – yes we know, it’s yours but … it’s the lofty title of CMO (chief marketing officer). How tough could that be? The CMO gets …

The TITAN X vs. GTX 1070 SLI

This evaluation pitting GTX 1070 SLI performance against TITAN X performance is the fifth in our Pascal TITAN X series. We have compared it with the GTX 1080 and found that the TITAN X was generally 20-30+% faster, depending on …

Too Much

IoT, IoE isn’t Coming to Benefit You, the Customer Ah, the Internet of Things (IoT)/Internet of Everything (IoE) is going to be great … maybe. Let’s see, the local utility company “allowed” me to install a smart meter and the …

The Overclocking Gloves come off – the Red Devil RX 480 vs. the EVGA GTX 1060 SC

This Red Devil RX 480 versus the EVGA GTX 1060 SC overclocked-to-the-max showdown is the finale to BTR’s Polaris versus Pascal series that began with the launch of the GTX 1060 versus the RX 480. We already tested a premium …

Overclocking Showdown – the EVGA GTX 1060 3GB vs. the Red Devil RX 470

This overclocking showdown is a follow-up to the $199 EVGA GTX 1060 3GB and the $199 PowerColor Red Devil RX 470 4GB evaluations. Today, we have updated each card to its latest drivers and have optimized our overclocks with all …

Little But More Than Just a Little Flash

Movies, Video Are More Than Just a Little Flash The great thing about going to a technical conference like FMS (Flash Memory Summit) where they have honest-to-gawd user panels is that you find out why the Tower of Babel was …

The EVGA GTX 1060 3GB vs. the Red Devil RX 470

The EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB graphics card is a brand new and slightly cut-down version of the GTX 1060 6GB card making it a great choice for playing games at 1920×1080. This $199 entry-level EVGA GTX 1060 3GB card …

Millennial Priorities

Influencing Gen Yers Requires Different Channels, Different Messages Although Boomers are the ones with most of the disposable income (70 percent in the U.S.), Gen Yers, also known as the Millennial Generation, are the biggest spenders (82 percent of their …

The Red Devil RX 480’s “Unlocked” BIOS Unleashed & Evaluated

The Red Devil RX 480 8GB video card originally shipped from PowerColor nearly a month ago with a BIOS that limited the card’s potential to only a little bit faster than the reference RX 480. Although the card features an …

Overclocking the PowerColor Red Devil RX 470

This evaluation is the follow-up to our PowerColor Red Devil RX 470 video card launch review. That review was not supposed to be of the reference 4GB RX 470 at stock clocks, but the BIOS that came with the PowerColor …