SSHD vs HDD – 2TB Seagate FireCuda SSHD vs. 2TB Toshiba HDD

For this evaluation, we purchased a pair of 3.5 inch 2TB 7200 RPM Seagate FireCuda (ST2000DX002) Gaming Solid State Hybrid Drives (SSHD) for $100 each to replace our two $70 each 2TB Toshiba 7200 RPM Hard Disk Drives (HDD). Although …

Keeping Viewers

Personalizing Relationships, Results in Digital OTT Ecosystem The NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) show is just around the corner (April 22-27) and the M&E (media & entertainment) industry is actively trying to figure out where to place their bets on …

Millenial Mom a Major Contributor

Millennial Moms Are More Than Just Sales Targets Mixed in among the really important stuff like drones, smartphones, laptops, entertainment systems, VR headsets, cars; CES has got to be the biggest congregation of tech toys you’ll find– except maybe the …

New NVIDIA Game Ready driver for For Honor, Sniper Elite 4, & Halo Wars 2

For Honor just released today and it is an unusual game, not the usual hack and slash action game that we might have expected from Ubisoft. Instead, we have a really unique fighting game with a lot of depth and …

The EVGA Closed Loop CPU Cooler (CLC) 280 Review

(This evaluation has been updated a few hours after it was originally published to include the newly released EVGA Pump Block Software). The EVGA Closed Loop CPU Liquid Cooler (CLC) at 280mm has arrived at $129.99. This new liquid cooler …

The Smart City Holy Grail

The Smart City Just Might Be an Engineer’s Unfulfilled Dream We’ve lived most of our adult life in Silicon Valley or what some call a bubble environment. You know: Everyone and nearly everything is connected 24/7. Everyone has 4-5 devices …

An Interview with a VR Filmmaker

Post-Dubai VR Interview with Lewis Smithingham, president, 30ninjas Shortly after his return from the Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF), we caught up with Lewis Smithingham, president of 30ninjas at CES in Las Vegas where he was busy shooting and producing …

VR Progress

The Alternate World of Virtual Reality at CES Even though industry analysts are lukewarm on the success of VR (virtual reality), you couldn’t tell it as you navigated around many of the booths during CES with HMDs (head-mounted displays) taking …

Access to Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands closed beta

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is the eagerly anticipated tenth installment of the Ghost Recon series and it’s set in a massive open world in Bolivia that can be played solo or in four-player co-op. The player can engage the …

Introducing EVGA’s CPU Liquid Coolers

Introducing the EVGA CLC 120/280 Liquid Coolers The EVGA Closed Loop CPU Liquid Coolers at 280mm (above) and 120mm (below) have arrived. These new liquid coolers from EVGA feature excellent cooling performance, low noise, complete software controls, and even RGB …

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard PC Game Review & IQ Performance Analysis

We have been playing and evaluating Resident Evil 7 Biohazard (RE 7) on PC since it was released one week ago. Although we did not like what the Resident Evil series had become, and although we didn’t have high expectations …

New NVIDIA “Prepare For Battle” Bundle

NVIDIA’s latest game bundle has just kicked off for anyone buying a GeForce GTX 1080 or GTX 1070 GPU, either as a stand alone video card or included in a PC desktop or in a notebook. They can get a …