GeForce 418.91 Driver Performance Analysis
GeForce 418.91 Driver Performance Analysis featuring the GTX 1060/6GB SC using 40 Games As a regular BabelTechReviews’ feature, this driver performance analysis will showcase the performance of the EVGA GTX 1060 SC with 40 PC games using the latest GeForce …
Higher Standards
Winning the Streaming Viewer Starts with a Strong Platform It doesn’t seem that long-ago soothsayers warned that important events – you know, Victoria Secret’s 1st streamed fashion show 20-plus years ago or that the annual Super Bowl and World Cup …
Surge 3D Wireless Immersive 3D Headphone Launches at $89 on Tuesday
Dead By Daylight is Coming to the Nintendo Switch This Year
Metro Exodus PC Game & Performance Review featuring Ray Tracing & DLSS
“Which is better, a life built on a lie or a death born of truth?” — Colonel Miller, Metro Exodus Metro Exodus is one of the rarest games that can immerse a player into its vast and varied world by …
Content Utopia
YouTube Could Become Content Creators Best Partner We don’t understand why folks waste their time watching 80 (O.K. 90+) percent of the stuff that’s on YouTube. Nope we’re not much interested in: PewDiePie’s channel Logan Paul’s foibles KSI’s expanding ventures …
Logitech G Launches New Lineup of Gaming Headsets
Logitech G Brings Advanced Sound Science to New Lineup of Gaming Headsets that are Built for Battle Our friends at Logitech have launched a new line-up of gaming headsets. Here is their press release: Complete your Battlestation With Logitech’s Most …
GeForce 418.81 Driver Performance Analysis
GeForce 418.81 Driver Performance Analysis featuring the RTX 2060 using 40 Games As a returning feature for BabelTechReviews, this driver performance analysis will showcase the performance of 40 PC games using the latest GeForce Game Ready 418.11 Driver which released …
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With Great Content and Commitment, Creatives Will Find Their Audience We get it, honest. “Everyone” is running away from appointment TV – content creators, aggregators, networks and viewers. And we understand why. Yes: Cable companies have been tough for networks/stations …
Overclocking Showdown – the RX Vega 64 vs. the RTX 2070
The RTX 2070 FE vs. the Liquid-cooled RX Vega 64 Overclocking Showdown with 39 Games This overclocking showdown is a follow-up to the RTX 2070 8GB Founders Edition (FE) review where we are now focusing on the performance of the …
Adrenalin Software Edition 19.1.2 Driver Performance Analysis using the RX Vega 64
Adrenalin Software Edition 19.1.2 Performance Analysis featuring the Liquid-cooler RX Vega 64 with 28 Games As a BabelTechReviews regular feature, this driver performance analysis will chart the performance of 28 PC games using the latest Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 19.1.2 …